Forest House Surgery is accepting new patients from Shepshed and some surrounding areas to register with the practice. To be sure that you fall within our Practice boundaries please contact us on 01509 508412. Alternatively please see the map at the bottom of this page.
Find your NHS number here
How to register with the practice:
We are using a new online service called [Register with a GP surgery] that makes it easy to register with this practice - access the service here.
Just fill in this quick online form to start the process to register with the practice. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.
The service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe. It cuts our administrative workload and makes it easier for you to register with the practice.
Paper forms are still available if you need one by either collecting a registration pack from our reception or by downloading the forms from this site (found below)
Contact our reception team here: 01509 508412
Patients not seen within three years:
Patients aged between 16 and 75 who have not seen a GP within the last three years are entitled to request a consultation.
Patients aged 75 and over:
Patients aged 75 and over are entitled to a consultation with a doctor if not previously seen within the previous 12 months.
(All patients are, of course, entitled to a consultation with a GP at any time for a medical problem.)
Registration Forms
Please find below our registration forms.
Form 1 is for adult registrations (Aged 18 or over).
Form 2 and 3 are for child registrations (aged under 18) and identification will need to be provided.
Form 4 is needed if you wish to consent to another person speaking to us on your behalf regarding appointments/your medical record or prescriptions.
All forms must be filled out in BLACK INK.
PRF1 Form - Only needed for young person/Child under 18 years of age
Please read all information contained within carefully. Once you have filled out the printed forms please bring them in to the Practice, with your ID, to complete your registration. Once you have been registered you are eligible to access our online service. This allows you to Book/Cancel appointments, order prescriptions and change contact details. You can also pre-book appointments with a Doctor using our automated telephone line. This allows you to book an appointment up to 28 days in advance. You can also cancel or amend appointments with any health practitioner using this line. N.B. You can only book advanced appointments, not emergency on day appointments.
All Children under the age of 16 need to provide their NHS number (Found in their red book) AND a copy of their birth certificate.
Temporary, Overseas and Private Patients
If you are away from home, require a GP appointment, and it is not possible for you to attend your own surgery, please contact us on 01509 508412 to see how we can help.
Named Accountable GP
Every patient registered with our Practice has a named accountable GP.
If you would like to know the name of your accountable GP, please ask at Reception.
Practice Area